Lastifil 10015
Welding low alloy high strength steels
EN ISO 16834-A (G 69 2 M21 Mn3Ni1CrMo)
A5.28 (ER110S-G)
General description:
Welding wire for joining low alloy steel, fine grain and TMCP steel with a high yield point. High impact strength also at temperatures subzero.
Typical applications:
Welding of steels like T1 steel, T1-A and T1-B, HOAG N-A-XTRA 56, 63, 65, 70, Superelso 700, HY80, HY100, Dillimax 690, Weldox 700, etc. Parts and chassis of earth moving machines, dredging equipment, mining equipment, etc. Welding of high strength rails. Repair on forklifts. Heavy loaded machinery.
Remove grease and impurities of the base metal. When welding outdoors in open air, use windscreens or curtains against wind and draught and increase the gas flow.
Packaging information:
1,0mm x 15kg spool -ArticleNo.:91001510
1,2mm x 15kg spool -ArticleNo.:91001512
Other dimensions and packaging on request.
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Lastek Lastifil 10015
English, 21.11.2019.