Lastek 807
Joining of -and buffer layers on problem steels
EN ISO 14700 (E Fe10)
A5.4 (E 307-26)
General description:
Lastek 807 is a high strength, ductile, crack resistant electrode designed for welding problem steels such as high carbon and crack sensitive tool steels or manganese steel. Heat resistant up to 850°C. Rust proof. Recommended for hardfacings; High resistance to wear and heavy shocks. Excellent weldability in all positions, except vertical down.
High recovery (160 %).
Typical applications:
Joining of highly alloyed and difficult to weld steel. Surfacing and repair of excavators buckets. Joining and surfacing of rails and steel with 14 % manganese. Cushion layer for hard facings. Surfacing of rollers, crane-wheels, etc.
Keep the arc as short as possible. Electrode position almost 90° to the workpiece. For welding 14% Mn-steel, keep the temperature of the workpiece below 350°C.
Packaging information:
2,5mm x 350mm, 5,0kg -ArticleNo.:807.25
3,2mm x 350mm, 5,0kg -ArticleNo.:807.32
4,0mm x 350mm, 5,0kg -ArticleNo.:807.40
5,0mm x 450mm, 5,0kg -ArticleNo.:807.504
Other dimensions and packaging on request.
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Lastek 807
English, 20.11.2019.