NST E 7024
Rutile high efficiency electrode for welding unalloyed steel.
General description:
NST E 7024 is a high efficiency, rutile electrode for high productivity welding in heavy fabrications and ordinary structural steels, exhibiting excellent welding properties. Very good choice for vertical fillet welding. Tensile strength up to 510 N/mm2 and approximately 200% efficiency.
Packaging information:
3,2 x 450 2,5kg pack, box 15,0kg -ArticleNo.:54132
4,0 x 450 2,5kg pack, box 15,0kg -ArticleNo.:54140
5,0 x 450 2,5kg pack, box 15,0kg -ArticleNo.:54150
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NST E 7024, English, 08.02.2016.